
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Quick Study " The Squadron Of Jesus Of Nazareth"

Have you ever wanted to join the military? Well, when you became a Christian you joined "The Squadron Of Jesus Of Nazareth." You joined the Lord's Army. Everyday we are entrenched in a battle against the evil of this world and their leader. What makes us more powerful and successful than them is the fact that we have the ultimate General who continues to lead us into victory. He contends with those who contend against us; He fights against those who fight against us. The Lord is our deliverance!!!!! As long as your in the Lord's army, you will never see defeat. We are are fighting against a real idiot who constantly thinks he has a chance. Well I have an answer for that stupid devil, we will continue to stand over him in victory and continue to keep a death grip on his neck until that day when "The Squadron Of Jesus Of Nazareth" meets the General in the air to take part of the ultimate victory. Never give up, never back down. Through Jesus Christ there is always victory!!!!!

Scripture Reading Psalms 35:1-3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy your devotionals, Joel. Keep it up.
Another way to get the enemy to leave camp is by Praise and Worship.
The devil cannot stand it, so having Godly music in our homes can do wonders for our joy and of course for the Peace of God that passeth all understanding. Auntie Hilda