
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Quick Study "Put On The New Man"

Yesterday we put off the old man. Today we will put on the new man. I'll tell you what, this was the best decision I ever made. Anyone can put on the new man, but to keep it you have to work at it. We have to be able to bear one another and love one another. We need to be able to forgive one another. The new man needs to live as Jesus lived. We need to stay connected to the Father by talking with Him and spending time in His word. We must allow the word of God to dwell richly in us so we can share it with others. With that being said, are you still living life as the old man? Are ready to step out in faith and obedience and put on the new man? It is our decision to make, not God's. He has invited us into His family; it is up to us to reply to the invitation. Life does not have to be painful and hard. God wants our lives to be good to the point where we are overflowing with joy and peace. God is good, and all that He does is good. It is time - OUT WITH THE OLD, AND IN WITH THE NEW!!!!! Before I end this study, I have a praise item I would like to share with you. The Lord has blessed Laura and I with the expansion of our family. Yes, Laura is expecting and is due Sept.28.
We ask for your continued prayers and support.

Scripture Reading 3:12-17


The Keowns said...

congrats again guys. We pray and believe this pregnancy will go by fast and uneventful. Praise God for the blessing.

Anonymous said...

hi Joel and Laura,
Congratulations!!!.Prayers going out to you both for a safe pregnancy. I bet the girls are thrilled.
Love Auntie Bertha

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled for you!!!!!
God bless you all, Auntie Hilda

Anonymous said...

we are so excited for you both. Congratulations. I'm glad it's out in the open. I was having a hard time not sharing it. We are praying for all of you. How did the girls react? mom