
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Quick Study "Nor Will I Ever Forsake You"

We've all heard the term "money is the root of all evil". I totally agree. It doesn't matter if you have a lot of money or if you have little, it can tear apart families and friendships faster than anything else. People seem to have a lust for money. So does this mean Christians should have just the basics? Does this mean Christians should just be getting by? Money can be a good thing if used properly. God wants you to be successful and He wants you to prosper; to have wealth. What He does not want you to do is squander what He has given you. He wants you to give to others and fund the Kingdom. In Hebrews 13:5, God promises never to desert or forsake you. We as Christians can confidently say that the Lord is our helper. When your backs are up against the wall and you wonder to yourself, "How am I going to pay these bills?", you need to remember this verse. When we read Hebrews 13:5 we are given two options.
1. Trust in the Lord who will meet all of our needs.
2. Or trust in man to meet all of our needs.
God says in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all of our cares and worries upon Him. It took me a while to realize this, but He is not only talking about cares and worries in our thought lives. He is talking about cares and worries in the natural. Anything that causes you worry can be handed over to God. For example, BILLS!!!!!! I think satan just loves seeing people open their mail boxes and seeing all those bills. God on the other hand wants His children to prosper. You can't prosper if you are always paying bills. The bills I am talking about are not the type of bills you receive because of spending habits (those need to be controlled), but bills that you need to pay to provide comfort for your family. This will be a true test of your faith, giving God complete control of these situations. Trust me, when it seems like there is no way out, the Father ALWAYS provides. It is up to us to keep the worry and fear out. It is up to us to trust and listen, and we will be set free from the bondage of bills!!!!

Scripture Reading Hebrews 13:5-6

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