
Monday, April 09, 2007

Quick Study "Are We Supposed To Feel Guilty?"

As humans we have been given the power to make the choice between good and evil. We have been given the choice to be righteous or to be sinners. Even as Christians we have the choice whether to follow God all the time or just some of the time. We were sinners, but now we are the righteousness of God (Romans 6:5-14). So what happens if one who is righteous sins? God gave us a promise in 1 John 1:9 where He tells us if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So once He has done this, should we feel guilty for what we did? Absolutely not!!!!!! In Isaiah 43:25 we read that God blots out our transgressions and He remembers our sins no more. He remembers our sins no more!!!! He's forgotten about our shortcomings and He expects you to do the same thing. Guilt is a tool which the devil uses to make you doubt God. If you have asked forgiveness for your sins, you know that God has forgiven and forgotten them. If you ask forgiveness and then continue to dwell on what you did, you are telling God that you do not believe that He forgave you. God has forgiven and forgotten what you did. He doesn't want you to continue to remind Him of the past sin in your life. God wants us to trust Him, where as satan wants us to doubt the Father. This doesn't mean you can go out and sin any old time. 1 John 1:9 is there for faithful and obedient servants who on occasion fall to sin. This is for Christians who are constantly developing their walk with the Father. Christians who are completely devoted to serving the Father and not the world. Christians who are not double minded. I challenge you today to continue to increase your knowledge of the word and continue to work on your walk. As you do this you will find that the sin in your life will be less and less. But remember this, if you do slip up, confess that sin and make it right with the Lord. Once you've done that, laugh in the face of the devil and walk away leaving any sort of guilt behind.

Scripture Reading Romans 6, Isaiah 43:25, 1 John 1:9

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