
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Quick Study "The Empty Tomb"

Imagine that you were the one who came to the tomb where Jesus was laid to rest. Imagine if you were the first to see the stone rolled away. Imagine if it was you who saw the linens and face-cloth lying there, with Jesus no where to be found. Imagine if Jesus appeared to you, and you saw that He was alive!! Imagine being Mary Magdalene or the disciples, because this is what happened to them. Yet they all seemed quite surprised that Jesus was resurrected. This is the picture I get when I read the scriptures. After all the miracles that they saw Jesus do, they still seemed surprised that He had risen. I thought that was kind of interesting, and that is why I chose to touch on this subject in today's study. I compare this to your typical Christian today. They are so amazed and surprised when a miracle takes place. What they don't realize is that He wants more and more miracles to happen. He wants His children to be a part of these miracles. He is the God who never changes; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now it is up to us to move on and finish the ministry of Jesus Christ. The tomb is empty, He is alive, and He is coming back for His flock. Stop mourning His death and rejoicing in His victory. The Lion of Judah has risen!!!!

Scripture Reading John 20

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