
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Time For Revival"

"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'" Mark 16:15

For today's study I would like to share a vision given to me from the Lord this last weekend. Lately I've been chop pin' at the bit to get out and preach. I know this may sound silly, but I am ready to hit the streets of Killarney and minister to the lost. While thinking of different and effective ways of doing this, the Lord gave me a vision of a tent; a big and white revival tent!!!! He showed me the tent and where it would be located. Needless to say, this vision has got me fired up. I realize that it will take some time and some volunteers, but how are we going to spread the gospel if we never leave our homes? People seem to think that missionaries need to be overseas preaching to the lost and unfortunate. We have lost and unfortunate people in Killarney and the surrounding areas. These are people who are searching. This would be an opportunity for someone who would never step into a church on Sunday morning. There is something about a revival that draws people from all walks of life, and as busy as this town is in the summer, I believe great things could happen.

I'm not sure if this is something the Lord wants us to do this summer or next summer. All I know is that we would like to see it become a yearly event. Today we are asking you, our brothers and sisters in faith, to stand in faith with us and believe that revival will hit this town. Pray for us as we plan and look for volunteers. People to lead worship and a prayer team who could devote their evenings for a week in the summer, all to benefit the Kingdom of God. God's will is for this to happen, and He will provide for all of our needs. We believe people will step up to the plate; we believe people will back this event financially and in prayer. Like I said, the Lord will provide and we here at "Way Of The Lord Ministries" will be happy to partner with these people knowing that we are a part of the end time harvest.

Joel and Laura Harder

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