
Friday, April 20, 2007

Quick Study "Keep Away"

Keep away from every evil. This is so very important for us as Christians to remember. All evil leads to sin. If we participate in evil, we are sinning. I know you already know this, but God does not like sin; He has no use for it. God really can't stand those who claim to be Christians yet participate in sin. He knows that you may mess up once in a while, and that's why He offers a way out (1 John 1:9). What God does not like is when you claim to be a Christian, yet continue to participate in evil. People like this are obviously putting evil before righteousness. Our faith, focus, and our lives need to be completely devoted to the Father. Yeah we will make mistakes here and there, but our main goal is to develop a relationship so strong that the sins and the slip ups begin to disappear. We are to be entirely pure and devoted to God. I truly believe that one can get to the point where their focus on God is so strong that the sin in their lives has completely disappeared. There is only one God, and it is our choice to serve Him or the world. Push away the evil and keep it away!!!! Give God complete control of your life.

Scripture Reading 1 Thess. 5:22-23

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