
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Quick Study "Receiving God's Love"

Here's a question for you to start your day off with. Can anyone receive God's love? What I mean by anyone is Christians and non Christians. The answer is simple, the answer is no. We read in Proverbs 8:17 that only those who love Him, and those who seek Him diligently and early shall find Him. These are the people whom God loves. For years I thought it was God who should be seeking me, not me seeking God. I also believed that once you became a Christian the rest would take care of itself. Then I came across this verse which told me that if I am not seeking God, I will not receive His love and in His love, the blessing. I find this very important as a Christian. In order to spread God's love, we need to be receiving God's love. Think about this today as you walk through life. Ask yourself these simple questions, "Am I doing what I need to be doing to receive God's love? Am I doing what I need to be doing to receive His best?" If you feel you could be doing more, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction. He will reveal to you what needs to be done.

Scripture Reading Proverbs 8:17

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