
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Quick Study "Strong Foundation"

For the last couple of days I have been laying a brick foundation for a wood stove which I am putting into our house. While doing this I remember the parable of the two foundations, found in Luke 6. I realized while trying to figure out how to do this, that not enough mortar will leave the foundation loose and insecure. With the proper amount of mortar the foundation is strong, and yes, secure. Kind of like our faith, isn't it? The more we study and develop wisdom and knowledge in the word, the stronger the foundation of our faith. If we just read periodically and go to church quarterly, our foundation will be very loose. I guess you could say the knowledge and wisdom we receive from the word of God is our mortar; it's what holds us together. Look at your own life and ask yourself, "What's holding me together? Am I building my life on a solid foundation? Or will my foundation crumble at the first sign of evil." Strengthen your foundation with truth, wisdom, and knowledge, only found in the word of God. Don't build your foundation on the sand, but on the solid rock!!!!

Scripture Reading Luke 6:46-49

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't chexcked your blog for a few days, and like the picture of you guys. Keep up the good work Joel. God is doing a wonderful work in your life. We will ahve to pop by and see the brick work soon. love mom