
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Quick Study "Psalm 91"

I felt today's study should be based on Psalm 91, the protection chapter. By now you have all heard of the senseless tragedy which took place at Virginia Tech University yesterday morning. The fingerprints of the devil are found all over this tragedy. When I see or hear of these things happening, I remind myself of the awesome promise the Lord has given us in Psalm 91. We live under the blessing, which includes the promise of protection and long, satisfying life. There are way too many Christians who either don't understand the blessing or even know about it at all. The blessing is for those who are faithful and obedient to God and His word. You have to be completely devoted to the Father, and living completely in the spirit. If you are trying to live in the spirit and the flesh, you will not receive the benefits of the blessing. God wants us to give Him everything!!! The Father wants to protect His children. He wants to keep you out of danger, out of harms way. He wants you to live long, satisfying lives. He wants these things for His children, like we want these things for our children. When I hear of these tragedies (like the one yesterday), all I can do is thank God for protecting my family and watching over us. I am reminded of how important my faithfulness and obedience to the Father is. I am reminded how important the benefits of the blessing are in my life. I truly believe God wanted to protect those who lost their lives yesterday in the shootings, but until you make the choice to live His way and receive His blessing upon your life, satan has room to work. The devil doesn't care. He doesn't care who lives or who dies. God cares and God loves. I truly believe that it breaks His heart when satan does something like this. Through this we have to remember that it is the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. God is here to give us life, and give it to us in abundance. For our ministry to be effective, we need to be here to spread the gospel. This is why it is so important for us to be living under the blessing. This is why it is so important for us to walk in God's protection. God can't act in evil. He can not do things which are evil. What happened yesterday was not an act of God, but an act of the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:3-4). I challenge you to spend some time and read Psalm 91 and look at your own life. Ask yourself this, "Am I doing what I should to be receiving the blessing?" Talk to the Lord and ask Him what you need to be doing in your life to access the blessing. God is good, all the time.

Scripture Reading Psalm 91

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