
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Quick Study "Psalm 91. . ."

When trying to find something to write about tonight, I realized my heart is still with those who lost loved ones yesterday. No matter how hard you try, you can't forget about a tragedy of this magnitude. My challenge for you yesterday was to read and study Psalm 91. I am here to remind you again to read this passage. When you read this passage, ask the Holy Spirit for revelation as you study. I just felt that I needed to remind you to read this passage again, and again. The other thing I wanted to talk about was prayer. These people, even though we do not know them, need our prayers. I pray for lots of people I don't know; and I know that the Father appreciates this. So today, take some time to think about how the Lord has blessed you and your loved ones. Seek Him, obey Him, and love Him. Do as He asks, and receive the blessing.

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