
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Quick Study "Be Slow To Speak"

If you know me, you know I like to talk. Some say I am long winded, while others think I like the sound of my own voice. Either way, I like to talk!!!! As I develop a stronger walk with the Lord, I have really had to focus on my thoughts and what I say. In the past I used to say whatever was on my mind. I spoke before I thought!! I am getting better but still have a slip up here and there. Our words are so powerful. Words can lift one up, and put one down. Our words our powerful, which is why we should watch how we use them. I know I've talked about this before, but I feel this is such an important topic which is why I continue to come back to it. As believers we need to be focusing on what our thoughts are and what we say in the presence of the Lord. With that being said, we are always in His presence, therefore our thoughts and words should be edifying towards Him.

Scripture Reading Eccl. 5:2

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