
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Don't Leave It Unconfessed. . .

Have you ever had one of those days where things seem to be getting worse hour by hour? Here's something for you to think about. What did you do or maybe say earlier in the day? Do you suppose maybe you sinned and left it unconfessed? It took me a long time to figure this out, but I finally did. Sin is sin. . .it doesn't matter how big or how small the sin is. So what happens when you leave sin unconfessed? You give satan a foothold to bring you down. I realize that I am human, and like you I will make mistakes. I have learned not to let any sin go unforgiven. I strive to live a life without sin, but when I do mess up I go straight to the Father. I find that if you leave it you are just fueling the fire of satan. By the grace of God we can come before Him to say we are sorry, and He will forgive us. God is good, all the time!!!!!

Scripture Reading 1 John 1:9


Anonymous said...

hi joel. i am so glad you were able to go see Jamie and erik last week, and alos know that God had a purpose in yo going. God has big plans for you Joel, and we are praying that he would reveal them to you one step at a time. I am truly amazed at the marvelous things he has done in yor life. Love you. mom

Anonymous said...

this was my first time that i have visited you article and it is awesome ..