
Monday, August 13, 2007

In Him There Is No Darkness. . .

God is light, and in Him there is no darkness. If there is no darkness in God, why do so many people blame God for times of darkness? For example, I've heard Christians say that they are depressed because it is there cross to bare. First of all, depression is a form of emptiness and darkness. There is only light in the Father, for darkness belongs to the evil one. Second, God sent His son to die for us, to deliver us from darkness. Jesus went into the dark for us, so we would never have to. God has promised His children so many blessings and we as Christians have the authority to receive all of these blessings. The god of this world is full of darkness and he has convinced way too many Christians that when tragedy strikes, it's God's fault. God is full of light, and in Him there is no darkness!!!! For it was the Lord who brought light into a world of darkness. The same God will remove the darkness from your life and fill it with light!!!!
Scripture Reading 1 John 1:5-7

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