
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Only He Can Give Us Peace. . .

As Christians we want peace in all areas of our lives, and we know that only God can provide that kind of peace. One place I know we all seek peace is in our finances. We tend to get so caught up in the ways of the world and how we are going to make money, that we forget who our provider is. Lately we've been feeling the pinch in our finances. It is so easy to get upset and enter a state of fear and worry. This is why it is so important to remember who our provider is. The all powerful God is our banker!!!! He wants you to have peace in your finances, nothing missing and nothing broken. I see it this way, if your broke you can't give. The Lord wants us to give back to Him, He wants us to give to others. If we don't got it, we can't share it. With that being said, we need to be faithful and obedient servants. We also have to be responsible with what He gives us. It's the same with our children, we won't give them stuff if we know they are going to abuse what we gave them. God works the same way, He wants us to be responsible. The next time finances get tight around your home, remember who your banker is. If we obey Him, He will take care of us.

Scripture Reading Philippians 4:10-19

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