
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Plans. . .

If you are anything like me, you've got big plans for your life. Actually, I hope your not like me because I am a procrastinator (which I am working on changing). I've had plans, talked big about them, yet never followed through. Over the last couple of years I've learned how important it is to commit our plans to the Lord. Right now I have a couple of different ideas (for careers) which I have talked about in the past. The difference this time is I've committed both of these ideas to the Lord. I guess I've always worried about where we would end up if something came up. Bottom line is I worry too much about how it would all work. Worrying and doubting is not faith. If we are not in faith, we will not receive. If we commit our plans to the Lord, He will establish them. If you are struggling in this area of commitment, I pray that this short study will be a help too you. We are believers and we are to live and walk in faith. Lay it all down before the Father, and let Him light your way.

Scripture Reading Proverbs 16:3

1 comment:

Kathy's corner said...

I think you got the trait of procrastination from me. something I struggle with. It helps me to write down some of my goals for my life, even on a day to day basis. I find keping a list and being able to work on each goal day to day, and then being able to strike them off, gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Sometimes you need someone who can hold you accountable in that area. Joel, part of my problem is that I have always been araid to take risks. Owning the Beach Hut was not someething I ever really wanted, but it has taught me so much, lessons I will always take with me, and will give me the courage to try new things. God has plans for you. We pray he will open a door. But remember, when he gives you a nudge in some area, you need to take that first step. If it is not the right way, he will close that door. Deep down in your heart Joel, what is your heart's desire. What would you really like to do. God says, that He wil give us the desire of our hearts, if we trust in Him. we will contiue to pray. love mom